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Meet Bami

Our FEARLESS Founder who turned her frustration with the lack of diversity in her local gym into a global dance fitness powerhouse. Her mission is form fearless females  all around the world through sharing her story of hard work, resilience and huge amounts of good vibes.

In September 2015 at the tender age of 22 Bami moved from Toronto to Dublin to work at The Google EMEA Headquarters. Although thrilled at the chance to work for the #1 Company in the world something just didn't feel right. She felt out of shape and out of place in the corporate world. Itching to not only make a change in her environment but to also do more that just go to work she decided to start going to the Gym. This is where she first noticed the lack of diversity and inclusion in the fitness industry, she felt uncomfortable in a space where she knew she belonged.

That's when it clicked: "Be the Change you want to see in the World" and in May 2016, BamBam Boogie Dance Fitness was born. Starting off with the humble aim of getting diverse faces, shapes and sizes into her workplace gym. The word spread like wildfire internally and even faster externally where she rapidly became a social media sensation with her vibrant energy and fun class videos. Before she knew it she had demand in countries all over the world ranging from Brazil to Canada, The Netherlands and USA.

In February 2018, Bami made the courageous plunge to walk the walk of a true FEARLESS female. She left her full-time job at Google and moved to her city of birth London, England  to dedicate her time to BamBam Boogie. Over 2000 people (and counting) around the world have been inspired by Bami's contagious love for live and her story of persistence. Now a certified personal trainer Bami hopes to continue to grow her brand and spread her story to inspire others to be FEARLESS in pursuit of their dreams.

You must be the change you wish to see in the world
— Mahatma Ghandi