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From the gym to the boardroom, Bami Kuteyi and her team empower high-performing teams from some of the world’s largest and most influential companies.

Virtual Diversity & Inclusion, Wellbeing and Productivity Trainings like you’ve never seen it before.

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How do we motivate our staff whilst working from home?

How do we ensure teams understand and take action against unconcious bias?

These are some of the biggest challenges that face organisations today. Attention is divided up across many channels — from digital media to the traditional workplace environment. Bami Kuteyi helps corporate teams to rediscover their passion within the workplace. Increased passion leads to greater engagement, innovation and ultimately a more productive competitive edge.

OUR Previous clients:

Bam Bam Boogie and Twerk After Work provide corporate solutions for team building. Human Capital Development and Leadership innovation. Fun Ideas

Enquire below to find out how we can develop a tailored support plan for your team.

Services include:

1. Virtual Wellness Workshop

An interactive session that demonstrates how wellness radically improves our personal and professional performance. Workshops typically last for 30 - 90 minutes and are perfect for teams of up to 60.

2. Virtual Motivational Speaking

Our founder, Bami shares her inspirational story of navigating mental health, passion and business in the Corporate World, helping audiences to increase their efficiency and maximise their potential in the workplace. Talks typically last up to 1-hour with an interactive audience energiser, perfect for groups up to 500.

3. Virtual Diversity and Inclusion Trainings

Choose from an array of different trainings including: unconscious bias, anti-racism, implementing inclusion and more... Ideal for improving rapport between teams and energising them to smash targets back at the office. These workshops are tailored specifically to your organisations needs.